Getting started

🔐 Authentication

To get started, you will first need a Bearer token. You can get one by following the Authentication documentation.

Here is a basic CURL command example to exchange your credentials for a short-lived access_token.

curl --request POST --url --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"client_id":"$CLIENT_ID","client_secret":"$CLIENT_SECRET","audience":"ducky-api-prod","grant_type":"client_credentials"}'

Once you have retrieved your access_token, you can start using the API. Send requests with the "Authorization: Bearer access_token" header.

Finally, make sure to cache and reuse the token for its entire lifespan. A token lasts for ~24hours.

Make sure to cache and reuse the `access_token` until its expiration date.
If we see unexpected high token exchanges, we will revoke your credentials and contact you directly.

📖 API documentation

Once you've got yourself an access_token, explore the list of available endpoints.

You can also test endpoints directly from our API documentation, just make sure to set the Authorization header first.

How to set Bearer token for interactive documentation